Tuesday 31 July 2018

How Jeff Bezos took Amazon to the top

Amazon's profits dazzled this week - how Jeff Bezos brought it from bookstore to behemoth in 20 years.

from BBC News - Business https://ift.tt/2OoXhyv

Overwatch League: London Spitfire triumph in first final

London Spitfire scored a solid victory over its opponent, Philadelphia Fusion, in the e-sports final.

from BBC News - Business https://ift.tt/2v6qNBl

Light saver

As a child, herder Richard Turere invented a device to stop lions killing cattle but who benefited?

from BBC News - Business https://ift.tt/2Oufn24

Swooning to success

How a shipping container full of French armchairs paved the way for online furniture store Swoon.

from BBC News - Business https://ift.tt/2LzZx8e

Going solo

With the number of self-employed workers on the rise, BBC News asks why we're seeing this trend.

from BBC News - Business https://ift.tt/2vg5X1j

Smartphone economy

From lunch delivery to comics, Myanmar's start-ups are bouncing back after decades of isolation.

from BBC News - Business https://ift.tt/2v9sTQ5

Argos catalogue reveals unannounced DJI Mavic drone

The store's literature has photos and technical details of the as yet unannounced Mavic 2 Pro drone.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2NRsSYD

Overwatch League: London Spitfire triumph in first final

London Spitfire scored a solid victory over its opponent, Philadelphia Fusion, in the e-sports final.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2v6qNBl

US military draws up 'do not buy' list for software

US military programs and agencies will be stopped from using code that could compromise their work

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2mUxHFb

Fake news 'crowding out' real news, MPs say

New laws must be introduced to clamp down on the "wild west" social media world, MPs say.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2vdKqXk

BT loses TV rights for 'ultimate fighting' and NBA basketball

The firm is understood to have lost the rights to broadcast NBA basketball and UFC ultimate fighting.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2OsrMUm

Google: An A to Z of search results

Searching for each letter of the alphabet can lead you to some unexpected places...

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2OkZew5

What's the least popular emoji on Twitter?

The obscure "input symbol for Latin capital letters" is now less popular than "aerial tramway" on Twitter

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2Oq4XjX

Twitter shares plunge as user total falls

The messaging platform makes record quarterly profits, but monthly user numbers disappoint.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2NPzwyv

Idaho inmates hack prison system and steal $225,000 in credits

The scheme was discovered after the prisoners boosted their accounts with artificial credits.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2LU8CoK

Smartphone economy

From lunch delivery to comics, Myanmar's start-ups are bouncing back after decades of isolation.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2v9sTQ5

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump offers to meet with Iranian President Rouhani with “no preconditions”

07/30/18 2:47 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Rand Paul says he will support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

07/30/18 11:48 AM

Bomb in van kills 11 at checkpoint in Philippine south: army

A bomb exploded in a van and killed 11 people at a military checkpoint in the restive southern Philippines on Tuesday in an attack that officials blamed on militants with ties to the Islamic State group.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2ArZDtA

Greek PM meets survivors in fire-stricken town as families mourn dead

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met survivors of a wildfire that killed at least 91 people during his first visit to the town of Mati on Monday, as rescue teams kept recovering bodies and families mourned their dead.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2K9ClZ0

U.S. detects new activity at North Korea factory that built ICBMs: source

U.S. spy satellites have detected renewed activity at the North Korean factory that produced the country’s first intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States, a senior U.S. official said on Monday, in the midst of talks to compel Pyongyang to give up its nuclear arms.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2KcitV9

Two Koreas hold military talks as U.S. detects activity at North Korea missile factory

North and South Korea held military talks to build trust on Tuesday, while the United States detected renewed activity at a North Korean missile factory, casting more suspicion over the North's intentions.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2vmyClH

China widens vaccine scandal probe, vows tough penalties

China's drug watchdog published details on Tuesday of an investigation into a second firm found to have made inferior vaccines, after cabinet vowed tough penalties and fines over a vaccine safety scandal that has sparked widespread anger.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2NXGykV

Zimbabwe's Chamisa says has done 'exceedingly well' in vote seen as very close

Zimbabwe's main opposition leader said on Tuesday election results from more than 10,000 polling stations showed his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) had done "exceedingly well" but several observer groups said the contest was too close to call.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2LDq4BK

Zimbabwe's Mnangagwa: ruling party getting 'extremely positive' information on vote

Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa said on Tuesday that the ruling party was receiving "extremely positive" information from their representatives, a day after the first election since Robert Mugabe resigned following a bloodless coup.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2v4pSRF

Tajik government blames deadly tourist attack on banned Islamist party

Tajikistan's government on Tuesday accused a banned Islamist party of being behind an attack on July 29 which killed four tourists.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2NWKkek

Cambodia to form new government after election that opposition calls 'farce'

The ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) will form a new government within 60 days, its spokesman said on Tuesday, two days after a general election that critics called neither free nor fair, after the main opposition was disbanded last year.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2OwZAj5

Malaysia civil aviation chief resigns over MH370 lapses

The chief of Malaysia's civil aviation authority resigned on Tuesday after an investigation report on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 showed lapses by the air traffic control center in Kuala Lumpur.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2LGEbpM

India's Modi and Pakistan's Khan discuss regional peace in post-election call

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Imran Khan on Monday to congratulate him on his party's victory in the Pakistan general election, with both men discussing regional peace.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2mW2XDu

Indonesia invites North Korea's Kim Jong Un to Asian Games

Indonesia has invited North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to attend the opening ceremony of the Asian Games in Jakarta in August following a similar invitation to South Korean President Moon Jae-in, officials said.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2M3BgE1

Japan pledges to cut plutonium stockpile amid growing concern by neighbors

Japan pledged to reduce its controversial stocks of plutonium, the world's biggest inventory of the highly toxic material held by a non-nuclear armed state, following pressure from the United States, China and other countries.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2LKkjl5