Monday, 18 December 2017

Ted Cruz Tried To Lecture Mark Hamill About Star Wars

Ted Cruz, the Texas senator who endorsed Donald Trump despite the fact that Trump insulted his wife’s appearance on Twitter and claimed his father helped kill JFK, is no stranger to humiliation. So losing a Twitter fight with the actor who plays Luke Skywalker on the weekend of a new Star Wars movie is probably pretty far down his personal list of “times I became aware I was a public disgrace.” But it’s still pretty fucking funny. On Saturday, Mark Hamill noticed that the video FCC chairman Ajit Paj made making fun of net neutrality supporters featured not only disgraced journalist Benny Johnson and, apparently, Pizzagate conspiracist Martina Markota, but also a lightsaber. This did not sit well with Hamill, the first person to wield a lightsaber onscreen, and so he tweeted about it:

from Slate Articles

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