Thursday, 2 August 2018

Trevor Noah Makes a Powerful Case for Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House: He’s Not Quite as Evil as Dennis Hastert

There’s no better argument for electing alleged sexual abuse enabler Jim Jordan speaker of the House than the one Trevor Noah lays out in this ad the Daily Show made: At least he’s not Dennis Hastert. That’s the literal truth: there’s no better argument. Hastert, the Republican House speaker from 1999 to 2007, pleaded guilty to breaking financial disclosure laws when paying off a student he had sexually abused while teaching high school. (He escaped prosecution for the abuse itself because of the statute of limitations.) Jordan, as Noah points out, is only alleged to have enabled and ignored abuse, not committed it himself, and the victims in question were college students, not high schoolers. That’s a big improvement on the bar Hastert set for Republican morality, although it might not be the kind of comparison Jordan wants to publicize:

from Stories from Slate

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