Sunday, 30 September 2018

Trump Officially Launches FBI Investigation into Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegations

Following a dramatic reversal at the conclusion of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s day-long exploration of Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegation, the committee, spurred by Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake’s change of heart on Kavanaugh’s confirmation, agreed, in principle, to allow a one-week FBI investigation into the matter. Suddenly lacking the votes to ram through their guy, the GOP Senate leadership acquiesced to the demand. But would Trump, a president accused of multiple sexual assaults order an FBI investigation into a Supreme Court nominee accused of multiple sexual assaults? No matter what course the Senate charted, the executive branch needed to formally request the probe, meaning Trump himself would need to order the investigation by an institution he rails against almost daily in an effort to discredit its investigation into his Russia-links.

from Stories from Slate

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