Saturday 29 September 2018

The #MeToo Activists Who Confronted Jeff Flake Brought Victims Back to the Center of the Kavanaugh Debate

By the end of Thursday’s Senate hearings over Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, Senate Republicans had engineered a shrewd narrative. Ford wasn’t lying, GOP senators insisted, but she must have confused Kavanaugh for someone else. The Supreme Court nominee was just too convinced of his own innocence, too swell a guy to commit such a heinous crime. In fact, Republicans insisted that Kavanaugh himself was the real victim—a reframing that the nominee all but demanded in his defiant and seething opening statement. If you vote against me, Kavanaugh declared, you are smearing me with a false claim, assassinating my character at the bidding of Democrats, “the Clintons,” and “left-wing opposition groups.”

from Stories from Slate


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